So, I have never been a dog person, not really an animal person altogether really. I have to say that I am in love with my dog though. My big house is no longer lonely, I don't have to feel crazy when I am talking to myself, and if i want to run around in the backyard in the rain, i have someone to do it with who is having just as much fun as i am. Just hearing the tinkling of his collar around the house makes me feel content. He comes whenever I call him and is so quick at learning new tricks. He has already made friends with the dog next door so even when Chris and I are not home, he is not lonely either :)
On the other hand, Ichiban is no good at giving advice. I layed on the floor next to him and tried for the millionth time to pick a medicine specialty because i am really running out of time now and he had nothing to offer. Now instead of booking flights to Cincinnati or Salt Lake or taking the plung and changing my whole school schedule from Med-Peds to Surgery, I have spent the whole afternoon making CDs.
HaYovel Newsletter
13 years ago