Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's Cold

The sky is gray, it is cold, really cold, and every morning i have to walk what seems like miles from my parking spot to the hospital. Yesterday i was sure that i would freeze to death before i reached the building, that i would never be able to suture because i would never feel my fingers again, and that while everyone tells me it is fall i think utah skipped fall and this is winter. I do love it here but my fear of sliding down an icy hill on my way to work overwhelms me. I know, i am a big ninny, but i am an arizonan!!! Even worse is the fact that the furnace in my home is broken and even when i go inside i am still freezing :( Thankfully it is soon to be fixed.

On the happy side, I ventured outside my little downtown area and drove to Union Fork to visit the super target (very cool) and buy some warm jersey sheets(I fought the urge to buy every blanket i saw). I have an excellent reason to drink more coffee and hot chocolate and was able to easily resist the ice cream aisle.

Otherwise nothing big happened to me this week. I did go out with my roomies last night for the first time and must say the boys here need some help on their girl skills (not that i am responsive anyway but come on..) One told me i was pretty EVEN THOUGH i wear glasses and another asked how i can be a surgeon if i am left handed. Both received my best dirty looks. Stay tuned for more Utah maddness...


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