Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy to be Home and Kudos to the Parents

I am back home. Back in my bed, cooking in my kitchen, watching my TV, and hanging out with my family. It is so nice. I think that it is so easy to take all of your own personal comforts for granted. I am so settled in my own world. I did have to get my house back in order over the week/weekend. Chris tries to keep everything clean bless his heart but my level of clean is so different! Honestly all week i could barely look at the house because i would be cleaning constantly. The sink is not washed out, there is a spot on the floor, there is dog hair on the carpet, etc. These are all normal things i am sure but for an insane person like me they are huge defects in my perfect house. I spent many hours this weekend dusting, sweeping, moping, de-cluttering, and now i can look around an be content. I still have a few projects to get to but mostly my house is back to normal, or a least my normal. I used to curse my mother for making me this maniac clean freak, but over the weekend i was actually realizing how thankful i am that i was raised to be so clean and diligent. My parents raised me to never be lazy, procrastinate, or let things go. Lists are made and checked off, if something needs done, you do it, and cleanliness is next to godliness. None of these things are qualities to be sad about having. Now if only they had taught me not to like chocolate......


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